Teen Pregnancy Help

In High School or College? Confidential Help for Students and Teens Unplanned pregnancy is more common than many teenagers think – but that doesn’t mean you’re prepared for it when it happens to you. If you find yourself pregnant and you’re not sure what to do, you need to act quickly and make sure you’re healthy and safe. At Pregnancy Support Services, our free and confidential support will help you answer three key questions.
  • Am I pregnant?
  • Is the pregnancy viable – that is, is the pregnancy in the uterus and is there a heartbeat?
  • How far along am I?
Our free & confidential services include: A laboratory quality pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test (including a home test) is an indication of pregnancy – but is not a confirmation of pregnancy. If you have a positive pregnancy test, an appointment may be offered for an ultrasound as indicated by a medical assessment. A limited obstetric ultrasound will give you answers to those three key questions. Trained staff to listen to your concerns and provide you with information to help you sort through your unique set of circumstances. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to get parental consent before getting a pregnancy test or ultrasound unless you are under the age of 16. You then have to have a parent or legal guardian with you. Mississippi law allows minors to receive some pregnancy-related services confidentially, and we respect your wishes when it comes to confidentiality. We won’t tell anyone you don’t want us to. However, an unexpected pregnancy is almost always easier to handle when you have friends and family there to support you. If you want to bring anyone to your appointment with you – such as your partner, your parents, or a close friend – feel free. We strive to make our center as peaceful and welcoming as possible to people of all ages and from all walks of life. Our compassionate pregnancy coaches can help you sort through questions you may have such as:
  • How will I tell my parents?
  • Should I have a baby now?
  • What about my education?
  • What are my options?
Email, call, or stop by. Our free and confidential support can help you with the answers that you need as you consider the healthiest option for you.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday : 9am – 5pm



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