For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call us at 601-799-2668.
Our Center offers a variety of pregnancy help services and is a resource for women with planned and unplanned pregnancies. The staff and volunteers are trained and experienced in helping women and men who are struggling with an unplanned pregnancy, prior abortion, or sexual wounds. Our free and confidential services are provided in a safe and comfortable atmosphere with a compassionate and non-judgmental approach.
Lab-Grade Pregnancy Testing
Top 10 Symptoms of Pregnancy
1. Itchy, Tingling, Swollen, Sore Breasts
2. Mood Swings
3. Frequent Urination
4. Nausea or Vomiting
5. Unexplained Fatigue
6. Lightheadedness, Dizzy, Fainting
7. Backaches, Headaches, Cramping
8. Constipation
9. Darkening of Nipples
10. Late or Missed Period
We offer accurate, quality pregnancy testing services at our center with immediate and confidential results. Limited ultrasounds are also available on request.
Thinking you may be pregnant is a big deal. Our caring and compassionate patient advocates are here to listen and offer you support. Schedule a free pregnancy test and find out if you are pregnant.
Early pregnancy symptoms can mimic a regular period, the flu, PMS, or even an STI/STD. Some people experience many symptoms and some do not. If you have more than one of the symptoms or a late period, make an appointment for free lab-grade pregnancy testing and get the answers you need immediately.
Limited OB Ultrasound
If you are considering abortion, it is important for you to have an ultrasound. Here are the reasons why:
- A limited ultrasound can determine the approximate age of your pregnancy, which in turn determines the possible abortion methods available to you.
- Limited ultrasounds provide a clear picture of the development of your baby.
- A limited ultrasound can determine if your pregnancy is a potentially life-threatening tubal pregnancy.
A limited ultrasound can help you ensure your pregnancy is safe and healthy. We offer a free ultrasound to anyone who had a positive pregnancy test at our center.
Our Ultrasound is performed by an RN trained in limited ultrasound. These ultrasounds are not for diagnostic purposes. We provide a free limited ultrasound eight to twelve weeks after conception to provide important information about your pregnancy.
If you would like to get a free limited ultrasound at our center, your first step is to schedule a free pregnancy test. Once you are confirmed to be pregnant at our center, we will help you schedule a limited ultrasound appointment at a time that is convenient for you.
Do you have questions or need more information? Feel free to contact us any time!
Option Education
Click on one of the buttons below to learn more.
When facing an unplanned pregnancy, abortion may seem like your only option. However, before you move forward with this choice, you should educate yourself about abortion. Here are some of the most important things you should know before you have an abortion.
We’re here to help you explore all your pregnancy options, including the option of placing your baby for adoption. We provide free information and referrals to adoption agencies that best meet your needs. In most cases, financial assistance for medical and living expenses is available for the birth mother, along with many other benefits.
Pregnancy Support Services is here to help you take the time to address your parenting concerns and help you find the resources you need. Many people who want to parent may have questions or concerns about single parenting, co-parenting, marriage, continuing their education, financial stability, and other topics. We offer free parenting education and resources at our clinic for anyone who wants to participate.
Confidential Pregnancy Coaching
- Pregnancy
- Childbirth
- Parenting
- Adoption
- Abortion Education
Please contact us today for more information.
Our counselors are here to listen to you and address your concerns in a caring, non-judgmental way. We subscribe to the highest standards of professional conduct. Our staff and our volunteer pregnancy coaches have been trained in crisis pregnancy counseling.
We are committed to providing you with assistance and accurate information. We have resources available for your individual situation and needs.
“Earn While You Learn” Program & Classes
There are nine Earn While You Learn modules available, and each one allows you to earn credits for our clinic shop. Modules include lessons and videos on a variety of topics, including:
Birthright Academy
First Year
Life Skills
Love Lessons
Special Circumstances
Fatherhood Lessons
“Earn While You Learn” is our special program for expectant and new parents that helps them learn pregnancy and parenting skills while earning credits to “purchase” maternity and baby items in our clinic store. It’s also a great opportunity for you to build relationships with other parents and couples in the community and with your pregnancy coach.
All of our studies are available to every client at our center, but none are required. You can choose the studies and topics that interest you. Once you finish a course you can use your credits in our shop to purchase items like maternity clothes, baby clothes, diapers, strollers, and more.
If you would like to learn more about the Earn While You Learn programs and how you can participate, contact us today.
Community Resource & Referrals
We provide referrals to a wide variety of community resources and agencies including:
- Doctors and clinics to help you through your pregnancy, delivery, and beyond.
- Adoption agencies if you place for adoption.
- WIC: a food and nutrition service to help pregnant women and families.
- Medicaid.
- And more.
And more…
If you need additional help beyond what we offer at our center, we are also happy to refer you to agencies and specialists that can provide the services you need.
If you need more information about accessing any of these resources or if you have questions about your eligibility or your next steps, feel free to contact us today. We’ll do everything we can to help you with your journey.
Contact us today to learn more.
Childbirth Classes
Classes consist of two sessions offered to clients in their third trimester. Conducted by RN with training and experience in Labor and Delivery. Free of charge and partners are encouraged to attend.
Please contact us today for more information.
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