Pregnancy Symptoms
1. Itchy, Tingling, Swollen, Sore Breasts
2. Mood Swings
3. Frequent Urination
4. Nausea or Vomiting
5. Unexplained Fatigue
6. Lightheadedness, Dizzy, Fainting
7. Backaches, Headaches, Cramping
8. Constipation
9. Darkening of Nipples
10. Late or Missed Period
Online Pregnancy Calculator
Some of the most common questions women have when facing an unplanned pregnancy are:
- When did I conceive?
- When am I due?
- Am I really pregnant?
If you find yourself asking any of these questions, we can help. Pregnancy Support Services provides free pregnancy testing services at our clinic along with a free limited ultrasound to give you more information about your pregnancy. Using our free services you can determine whether or not you are really pregnant, how far along you are, and approximately when you are due.
Along with our free services, you can also use our online pregnancy calculator to get an approximation of the due date. Simply put in the date of the first day of your last menstrual period and our calculator will immediately return your expected due date.
If you have any questions or need any more information about your pregnancy or pregnancy options, contact us today for more information.
Teen Pregnancy Help
In High School or College? Confidential Help for Students and Teens Unplanned pregnancy is more common than many teenagers think – but that doesn’t mean you’re prepared for it when it happens to you. If you find yourself pregnant and you’re not sure what to do, you need to act quickly and make sure you’re healthy and safe. At Pregnancy Support Services, our free and confidential support will help you answer three key questions.- Am I pregnant?
- Is the pregnancy viable – that is, is the pregnancy in the uterus and is there a heartbeat?
- How far along am I?
- How will I tell my parents?
- Should I have a baby now?
- What about my education?
- What are my options?
FOR MEN: She’s Pregnant, Now What?
When she comes to you and tells you she could be pregnant, it’s natural to feel nervous or unsure. But whatever your situation, there are a few things you should always to do help. After all, you play a critical role in the next few days, weeks, and months. Your choices could have a big impact, so make sure you take them seriously.How to Help
Make an Appointment Call (601) 799-2668 or schedule an appointment online for a free pregnancy test and limited ultrasound. We offer laboratory-quality urine pregnancy tests with immediate results. A positive test (including a home test) is an indication of pregnancy, but not a confirmation. The test result should be confirmed by an ultrasound exam. The exam will answer 3 important questions that are critical regardless of what options you both are considering:- Is the pregnancy viable – that is, is the pregnancy in the uterus?
- Is there a heartbeat?
- How far along is she?
For Friends & Family
Your friend, daughter, or sister may have taken several pregnancy tests and stared at the same results – pregnant. She didn’t plan it – it just happened. Filled with fear, regret, sadness, anger, and worries about disappointing YOU, she’s waited until now to tell you. You may be feeling angry, disappointed, or upset. However you are feeling as a friend or family member, here’s some advice that might help you respond.How to Help
Make an Appointment Call (601) 799-2668 or schedule an appointment online for a free pregnancy test & ultrasound. We offer laboratory-quality urine pregnancy tests with immediate results. A positive test (including a home test) is an indication of pregnancy, but not a confirmation. The test result should be confirmed by an ultrasound exam. The exam will answer 3 important questions that are critical regardless of what options you both are considering:- Is the pregnancy viable – that is, is the pregnancy in the uterus?
- Is there a heartbeat?
- How far along is she?
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